Biennale Architettura 2023

The microsite features all 63 national participants, creating a browsing experience that feels both infinite and slightly overwhelming to showcase their depth and richness.
National Participant Page in Biennale Architettura 2023

Capturing the Visual Essence of Biennale Architettura

Biennale Architettura celebrates architectural innovation that delves into the rich tapestry of contemporary cultural and social issues, fostering cross-cultural dialogue among architects from every part of the world. The exhibition weaves a mosaic of narratives reflecting the diverse voices and aspirations of our contemporary world. Ultimately, we aim to visually capture the themes of fragmentation and fluidity in our artistic direction.
“The Biennale is not a single story, but multiple stories that reflect the vexing kaleidoscope of ideas.“
Lesley Lokko, Curator of Biennale Architettura 2023
Our Print Work for Biennale Architettura 2023

Creating an Infinite Browsing Experience

Our content strategy focuses on highlighting the depth and diversity of the national participants. The inclusion of all 63 nations aims to create an infinite and slightly overwhelming browsing experience. The aim is to captivate and intrigue the audience with just a few interactions, rather than expecting them to browse every page. Therefore, a deliberately infinite volume of content is presented.
Initial Exploration of a Functional Index

Exploring All 63 National Participants

Upon landing on the microsite, visitors can navigate through a list of all 63 national participants. The design draws inspiration from various grid layouts resembling an index, effectively organizing the overwhelming amount of content that will be showcased. As visitors scroll, the initial information about Biennale Architettura disappears, but crucial navigation elements stay anchored on the page. The items within the navigation bar remain fixed, ensuring accessibility as visitors scroll down and explore the page.
Landing on the Index Page

Managing Information Overload

Visitors have the option to filter index entries based on their location, aiding them in navigating a substantial volume of content. By fine-tuning searches according to specific criteria, visitors take command of their browsing experience, ensuring a more focused and relevant experience aligned with their interests. This streamlined process guarantees effective content sifting, allowing visitors to extract meaningful insights without being overwhelmed by the sheer volume of information.
Filter Functionality on the Index Page

Transitioning Between Fragmentation and Fluidity

Upon selecting an individual national participant, visitors delve into a parallel scroll experience that echoes the kaleidoscopic essence of Biennale Architettura. The return from the parallel scroll experience to the index page is achieved through the same transition of fluid flow and infusion of fragmented textures. I opted for the incorporation of abstracted textures through motion graphics to showcase the national participants and evoke curiosity. The transition is rooted in animating the modular grid, aligning with our content strategy of crafting an overstimulating atmosphere. Additionally, the implementation of parallel scroll aims to maintain the kaleidoscopic essence of the Biennale.

Implementing Pause on Hover

Hovering over any of the three fragmented columns introduces an interactive element that disrupts the parallel scrolling flow of the grid. The intentional disruption is designed to offer visitors a valuable opportunity to pause and delve into the information presented, promoting a more immersive and engaging browsing experience.

Utilizing Color as a Visual Guide

Upon returning to the index page, visitors will observe that the pages they have visited are now represented as colored index entries. The interaction not only promotes continued discovery and exploration of more content, but also serves as a useful reminder of the content previously viewed.
Colored Index Entries on the Index Page


Adapting my design to present information for all 63 national participants emphasized functionality over aesthetics. Applying a functional index effectively displayed all the participants, while the introduction of the parallel scroll added engagement and curiosity without compromising functionality, contributing to the project's overall success.
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Square Enix Verse
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